
Friday, April 11, 2014

Pick-up Artists: Women on Women

I had a dream this morning that I was standing with a bunch of girls, waiting for a famous singer to arrive. We were leaning on wall, and a famous female singer comes out of the room we were waiting in front of. She sees one girl, tells her how pretty she is, then tries to kiss her. The girl covered her mouth with her hand before the singer's lips could touch her. She didn't want to be kissed by a woman because she wasn't gay.

The whole thing was weird. I don't know why I dreamt such a thing except that it perhaps mirrors my own sentiment as of late. A few days ago, a very aggressive bull-dyke woman hit on me. She was worse than most guys. She creeped me out, asking if I "wanted to get finger-popped."




How I felt.

*Sidenote: And who still says "Finger-popped?" I haven't heard that in a thousand years. #yuck

I was grossed out by the experience. If I did wanna get finger-popped, it certainly wouldn't be from a woman who looka lika man. I can only wonder what happened in her life that made her so determined NOT to be feminine. I love my femininity. I would never want to hide or shun it. I embrace my masculine sides, but not in a sexual way.

Or wait, maybe I do a little bit. *TeeHee*

The video below is of a woman trying to pick up other women. Some are shocked, some are like sure, and some play the "I have a boyfriend" card. In any case, not one time did the 'picker-upper' use the word "finger-popped."

Thinking about that gross woman-man, I'm still like

But whatevs.

Ladies, what would you do if an attractive woman on the street randomly stopped you and asked you for a date? (and you thought no one was looking). Would you give her your number? Would you try her out? Tell the truth, no judgments here. In the meantime,

Roll tape! -WTS

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