
Monday, December 3, 2018

No Means NO All the Time..

There are so many ways people don't understand the word  "NO."

They think NO being a complete sentence only pertains to rape or sexual assault.

It doesn't.

Or maybe it does?

NO is a complete sentence when you don't want to go somewhere. You may get,

"Sure you do! Get up, get dressed, the fresh air will do you some good!"

You might just be tired. And tired of fresh air.

No is a complete sentence when you don't want to participate in an activity. You may get,

"Don't be selfish! You'll have a good time. Don't be anti-social."

Maybe being selfish is exactly what the doctor ordered? Ain't no party like a self-love party.


No is a complete sentence when you don't want to share. You may get,

"Why can't I have some? You're gonna eat it all? You're greedy!"

No, actually I'm a consumer, and I'm consuming the purchase I purchased for my consumption.

She who buys the bread, gets to eat it.


No is a complete sentence when you don't want to talk about something. You may get,

"I can see something's bothering you. Talk to me. Tell me what it is. You know you can tell me.."

It could be that you don't want to tell anyone. Or, "telling them" is how the trouble started.

If they persist in badgering you, you may need to..

They won't see that  coming.

Nothing says leave-me-alone like flames being thrown at you.

Try it.

Report back and let us know how it went.