
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Soo Obsessed with Fire..

Not sure what's going on with me as of late, but I've been somewhat obssessed with FIRE. I'm hoping it's because of this definition:

"On the spiritual level, fire symbolizes a new consciousness of spiritual power and transformation."

Whatever the cause, for the past few days I've been fascinated with flames and it's consumption. I'm not talking about people who set themselves on fire in protest or to hurt themselves, but rather, the beauty of the flames, and what they could potentially be burning away and transforming anew.

At least I hope that's why I've been intrigued :/

With that in mind, I found some lovely pictures involving fire and flames. In a strange sort of way, looking at them is kinda soothing.

ps.. I know that I'm weird. It's part of my charm ;)


I now end this post with one of my favorite love songs of all time.

"FIRE" by the Pointer Sisters.



  1. Lol. You have a really, really good blog. I thoroughly enjoy it.
