
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Booty Shaped Nail Polish..HOW STUPID..

Um.. kay.

I saw this photo and shook my head. Nail polish and butt cheeks?

It goes on fingers and toes..

Not bootyholes.

So the essence of a woman's shape is now made in China, and found in colors called "Red Riding Rump?"

I would never wear anything called "Red Riding Rump." I'm not 12. And if I WAS 12, I wouldn't have been allowed to wear anything with the word "Bootie" or "Rump" in it. Who is this being marketed to exactly?

And is that camel toe I see?

Let me not say that too loudly. They might use that name as their next color.

Before I googled I already knew it was a man who created this.

And see?

I was right:

CEO, funk musician, and designer Mark O’Hara originally envisioned the concept for the brand 15 years ago, but decided current lacklustre packaging needed a serious lift. Enter, booty shaped bottles.

Susanna from  had this to say:

"Bootie Babe nail polish is sold in a bottle shaped like… a bootie. There are 24 different colours available with funny names like “freaky cheeky” and “buns of steel”. The main point of Bootie Babe nail polish range is the provocative bottle.

I find it a bit funny that a product which is aimed at women tries to stand out from the rest of the similar products by something that usually attracts men. What I mean is that if there was nothing special about the polish itself and I was not that much into booties, why would I choose this bottle over the regular ones?"
My guess Susanna, is that YOU WOULDN'T.

It's just sucky that women, our likeness, and our physiques (both flesh and bottle) are used to sell EVERYTHING. Nothing is off limits when it comes to the exploitation of the female form.
What won't companies use the female body to sell?



In my everquest for truth,

Some answers I don't wanna know..

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