
Thursday, February 16, 2017

A Dick By Any Other Name..

Is still a dick.

To all the transgenders, post-ops, transsexuals, chicks-with-dicks, she-males, ladyboys, cross-dressers, transvestites, etc.,

If you feel you were born in the "wrong" body, this may very well be true.

It is said that some souls change their minds minutes before birth. They decide to complete their life's journey as the opposite of their originally chosen sex. Such last minute decisions don't work so well because by the time you're in the birth canal, the sex organs are formed. Girls are born with all of the eggs they will ever have, and boys are born with tools to create sperm.

It's kindof a done deal.

Despite the 'Transgender Mania' teachings of our present time, gender is not fluid.

Science clearly states that every DNA cell in the human body remains coded for our biological birth.

Sex reassignment surgery, with all of its advances, cannot change anyone’s sex.

At its simplest this means,

Removing or adding a penis doesn't determine sex.
Chromosomes do.

There's no pill, injection, etc., that can implant Womens' Intuition. Being a woman is a born divinity. Feminine cycles are connected to moons, and we bleed in time with their rhythms. Babies form and breathe under Motherskin. Surgery or no, men will never be able to get pregnant.

They can pretend though.

No artificial means can administer Womaness, no matter how badly someone wants it.

Ain't that right girlfriend?

Delving deeper into the arena of gender defining, is the belief that this new phenomenon is part of a larger agenda.

The “gender fluidity” debate is believed to be an artificially created propaganda set to blur the boundaries of gender, and to celebrate deviation from nature (as a great achievement).  The article  The Agenda Behind Bruce Jenner’s Transformation,  explained how Bruce Jenner’s very publicized sex change was part of this agenda. Furthermore, this urgent publicity surrounding transgenderism was to prepare the masses for upcoming global policy changes.

Months after Caitlyn came onto the scene, the mass media's propaganda evolved into laws and policies. From the “war of the bathrooms,” to the allowing of young children to undergo a sex change, modern society is shifting drastically towards new definitions of gender – a term considered binary since the beginning of time.

Camille Paglia, author, academic and social critic who's never shied away from controversy, explains how this is symptomatic of a wider cultural problem. In this video, she breaks down the implications of today’s transgender agenda. A lesbian and feminist, Paglia has always criticized the unrealistic constructs made in the name of “equality” and political correctness.

Many public figures who dare addressing these issues get promptly shamed and labeled “transphobic” and at times blackballed.  

We must remain aware that if mass media can turn something as clear and defined as a person’s gender into a tornado of confusion, it can redefine anything else to fit its needs.

However, there is a way to avoid falling into these traps and achieving the ultimate in freedom.

Love the skin you're in. 

