
Sunday, September 11, 2011


Hello Ladies. And if you're brave enough, Hello Fellas. Welcome to "Women Take Shits", a wonderful new blog to help women and men understand the world of women, to show you how we think, why we think it, and the importance of why men should learn this language.

First off, let me address the title of the blog by saying this is not about women actually shitting. The title came about because women shitting, is something men don't like to think about, don't feel is very "ladylike," and is a topic of embarrassment for many women (when a man is involved).

Well guess what guys? It may not be ladylike, but Its "HUMANLIKE."

Does that count?

Any human being that doesnt take a shit is in trouble. Women are no different. Allow us to be -without ridicule- human beings who have normal body functions like everyone else. Not only do we shit, but we belch, pick wedgies out of our asses, and when our beds are empty *brace yourselves guys* we might actually even fart under the covers. Cardinal sin, but YEP. Pfffft!! We let it rip if we have to. 99% of the time though, we only do this if we don't have an audience. I suppose there are women who don't hold their gas whether or not a man is present, but fearless estrogen carrier that I am, would consider that a no-no. You want him to see you as a woman, not a poker buddy. And if you live together, then he already knows what you had for dinner. No need to give him a nasal replay.

That could just be me though.

Women are WOMEN. Sorry to disappoint guys, but unlike the unrealistic portrait we sometimes find ourselves up against, we do not frolick gayly in meadows. Why? Because A) I personally live in NYC. Where the hell shall I find a meadow? and B) It's hard to frolick in a meadow when you're at work. Women no longer have the time or luxury to be the matronly maidens (or readily available sluts even) men have created in their minds. We went from having dishpan-hands to having BILLS.

The stay-at-home mom is now a secretary, a student, a chef, an artist, a deejay, a business professional, a designer, a filmmaker, a nurse or whatever her profession, chances are she financially cannot afford to rely on her man. Women are bringing home the bacon, frying it up in a pan, feeding it to the kids, cleaning up after their done, and if she has a boyfriend, she's probably feeding his ass too.

Father USED to know best, now Mama heads the roost. When Papa became a rolling stone, Mama had to become the ROCK.

But I digress.

I welcome you on this journey, as we explore each other, our viewpoints, and how we can all learn from each other to create better relationships together.

Until later,

Women are HUMAN and thus take shits like eerbody else..


  1. Until later.... cant wait to checkout your post on this particular topic.

  2. That was... the Dumbest thing I ever read..! I mean, women farting, illl. Who says that.? lol, I'm Joking! Well Written & Well put. Keep creating!

  3. There's is nothing new to add thatr men need to learn about women.

    We know all we need to know.

    They can't seem to stop telling us what they think.
    If it isn't the glut of talk show. magazines, self help books and drunken late night bar rants, we can always wait until you come home with your "I can't believe that bitch" debacle of the day.

    What men need to know is why, regardless of looks, education or stature, you keep going for the okedoke... ?

    No matter how stupid, broke, ugly, fat or abusive a man can be, he can still get a woman at least 3 classes above him?


    Riddle me that

  4. Stop, there are things men need to know but don't know about women I assure you. Join this blog and I promise you, we will go over them. I started this blog to help better communication between the sexes, but mainly, to help raise more educated and equipped daughters (and sons). It may be a "Man's World", but women have our own sub-world within it. Guys need to learn this world to better protect the women they love, and the women who love them.

    As for your question, to be brief, I'd say it first and foremost boils down to a matter of availability.

    Many women settle because they feel having a man 3 classes below her in the house is better than being alone. The ratio in any major city is always more women than men. And a really important reason not to be underestimated:

    Dick-whipped. Its not that the guy is the cat's meow, its that he's laying the pipe right. When you see those women on Maury fighting over a dude, do you really think they'd go that far if he was a bad lover?

    NOPE. He'd be out the window if he pulled the bull and couldn't deliver in the bedroom.

    Age, if she has kids, her education, how she feels about herself.. these factors also play a role. For example, a single 25 year old most likely feels she has more prospects that a single 60 year old woman don't you think?

    There are many factors that go into answering your question. Stay tuned and I'm sure we will cover them.. :)

  5. brilliant! this is the most honest writing i have seen in along time. i look forward to reading your blog and cant wait for the book! where do i sign up?
