
Monday, February 9, 2015

The Benefits of Vaginal Weightlifting

Aside from doing kegels (when I remember) I haven't really exercised my vagina. Wait, do dicks count? Not by the sound of this article they don't. Vaginal King Fu is something I never heard of, and probably won't be trying, but Yoni balls sound good. I'm all for vaginal health, better orgasms and increasing my sexual energy too. Hrmm.. maybe I shouldn't increase my sexual energy. My vagina gets so hungry I sometimes wonder of she has teeth. Anyhoo, I'm in favor of all things healthy vagina, and vagina weight lifting is on the list. At the bottom of the page are some links to where you can buy different vagina weights. Go for it ladies. Work your cooch!

A strong pelvic floor and vagina can bring a myriad of benefits to your life. Including:
Have more orgasms. 

Have better orgasms. By better I mean, mind-, body- and spirit-altering orgasms that are longer, deeper, more intense, and include the ability to ejaculate. 

Keep your internal organs (I.e. no pelvic organ prolapse). 

Have an easier childbirth and recover more quickly afterward.

Up your libido. When the vagina is weak, it feels numb. Sex is infinitely more pleasurable with a sensitive and articulate vagina. 

Eliminate issues of urinary incontinence. 

Increase circulation in the vaginal canal and produce lubrication more easily (this is the main reason women do not lubricate profusely). 

Integrate your sexual energy into everything you do. When women are dissociated from their vaginas, they are also cut off from the natural and enlivening flow of their sexual energy. When the vagina is brought back to life, that vital, life-force energy is available to you to channel into all parts of your life.

A natural facelift. When you strengthen and pull up the pelvic floor muscles, you create an energetic lift throughout the entire body, which even registers in the face. I have had clients stop using Botox after beginning their lifting practice. 

Be able to shoot ping pong balls. This is every woman's God-given right.

These things are possible for every woman: ping pong tricks, multiple orgasms, ejaculate that shoots across the room, and insane, life-changing pleasure.

All you need is a strong vagina. She has one for sure..

Where to Buy:

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