
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Of Men.. And Magnums.

The Latin root Mag- means "great, large."

When it comes condoms, men love to use Magnums, especially if they think they need them.
The makers of Magnums are marketing geniuses. The "big" they design for however, are egos.

Ego boost = Profit boost.

Men put on these "larger" sized condoms and feel like..

The REAL truth is..

And it's a heartbreaking truth..

A truth most men won't want to know..

Just warning ya..



In fact, they're basically the same size as any other condom, 
designed to fit the average sized penis.

The reason this "large penis" marketing ploy is able to work so well, is that in addition to men wanting to believe they have a big one, most men simply don't know what "average sized" is.

According to Trojan’s Head of Marketing, Jim Daniels, stated that “People are proud to show they have a Magnum condom — the large size really connotes a sense of ‘above-average prowess,’ let’s call it.”

Exactly. Men prefer Magnums not necessarily because their mondo-dondo boner spills out of other condoms, but because "Magnum" implies Ginormous.

It's all a head game fellas. (Pun absolutely intended).

Even the name 'Magnum' is a subconscious tool.

They're basically calling your lovestick a gun.

The thing is, some guns shoot..


But not all of course :)

There is an even bigger downside to buying condoms that are too big. Nevermind the fact that your dick doesn't need it's own room, but safety can be compromised. According to an anonymous college campus professional:

"We stopped carrying magnums at my school's student health center (and instead carry a differently branded larger condom for those who need it) because "magnum" holds such cache...
we would always run out of them, and they'd inevitably turn up in some poor freshman girl's vaginal canal. (I'm not kidding—there was a rash of 'lost condoms' last year among the freshmen)."

So basically, when you wear a condom that's too big, you risk it slipping off. The second sucky thing (puns all around huh?) is that it may be challenging for her to get it out when it slips off. No bueno!

Planned Parenthood confirmed:

"..Condom size — too large or too small — is a serious factor in its effectiveness. "If a condom is too big it can slip off, and that can decrease its effectiveness, "It is true that sizing is important."

So be honest with yourselves men. If you don't need the Hulk sized condom don't buy it. If she's boned you more than 3 times chances are you're a keeper. Better to have a condom that fits the size that you are, not the size you wish to someday be.

Condoms aren't jeans.

There are many ways to getting a bigger dick. None of those ways however, come in a box of 12.

Just sayin.


Source 1
Source 2


  1. wow... you just shot their little ego down... No more GOLD WRAPPERS. Oh, well Willy Wonker the factory is closed.

    1. I would hope that when they pick their egos off the ground, they could at least be happy someone told them the truth. For any guy that really does need a larger sized condom, there's a Magnum XL. That one ain't no marketing ploy, believe me :-)
