
Friday, July 29, 2016

The Emotional Reasons You're Physically Sick

Nothing gets our attention like an illness or being hurt. For many, when illness occurs we run straight to the doctor. Or Google. No one likes physical pain or discomfort, and depending on the severity of it, we'll move heaven and earth to make it go away. We look to medications, treatments, surgical procedures, any avenue to bring us back to "normal." There seems to be a pill to cure almost any ailment. A shot, a liquid, a powder. We seek out something tangible to make it all better. This is the age of medicinal quick fixes, and with that comes medicinal side effects.

What can end up happening is we take a medicine to deal with the side effects of the side effects of a medicine.

Who wants that?

Not even Chunk up there.

Fortunately, there's Holistic.





characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the physical symptoms of a disease.

So basically, Holistic treats the entire condition. The symptom and the cause. It covers all of the factors involved in why your health is not optimal. What your symptoms are, and the emotional/spiritual reasons you're having them.

Holistic cures don't offer the same harmful side effects as pharmaceutical medicines. They can be less expensive and offer spiritual benefits in addition to physical. Loads of "holistic" treatments allow us to create our own remedies, sometimes with ingredients already stocked at home. If not, a quick trip to the supermarket is all it takes.

No insurance forms to fill out there.

What we're not taught is,

Physical ailment, is the result of a spiritual or emotional imbalance. Every one of them. This statement is by no means an encouragement to forego the help of a professional health practitioner. This is merely a suggestion to look within yourself. FIRST. Examine the thoughts you're having about yourself or a situation, and see how it can be tied to your condition. Big pharma is never going to tell you that your condition can be cured by changing the way you feel and think about about your life (your mind-pattern) and yourself. There's simply too much money to be made by your being sick. There've been an influx of doctors being caught and tried for lying to patients about their diagnosis, especially with cancer. In addition to prescriptions, apparently giving chemo to people who don't need it is also very profitable. Fill your prescriptions as you please, but don't let Big Pharma or their pundits provide you with the only course of action on how you treat your ailment.

What's one of the easiest ways to find out what's going on with your body?

Ask it.

A simple question of "Hey *insert body part*? What do you need? Why have you called my attention? What should I do or provide you with?"


Any why is this so important?

Because despite what most of us have been taught to believe,

the body and mind are not separate.

Learning to listen and communicate with your body is a priceless too. It can save you money, time and possibly your life.

Big Pharma is a billion dollar business and let's face it: There's just no money in cures. The money lies in -not treating your conditions- but its SYMPTOMS.

And what are symptoms?


I once suffered from Silent Acid Reflux so bad, I could barely turn my head. The acid burned my throat and was beyond painful. One medication I took cost $300 a month. I had to take it for a full month so my doctor could determine if it worked.

It didn't. I took it for two months, and ended up in the emergency room on Thanksgiving night.

What "prescription" helped me more than anything?

$2 worth of ginger, a $5 gallon of aloe vera juice coupled with some very formidable affirmations on 'accepting the bitter aspects of life.'

All the time, money and pain I was in and a trip to Trader Joe's is what did the trick?

Listed are some of the underlying emotional/metaphysical reasons our bodies have physical issues, followed by their metaphysical counterparts. These are some of the most common illnesses women face. The affirmations (in addition to any other physical methods you opt for) can help change the mind-patterns that cause these ailments, and help re-direct yourself into health.

Some of the most common physical symptoms/dis-ease women face are:

Heart Disease (the number one killer of women)

Metaphysical causes: Longstanding emotional problems. Lack of joy. "Hardening" of the heart (bitterness). Belief in strain and stress.

Metaphysical cure statement: "I lovingly allow joy to flow through my mind and body and experience."

Heart Attack

Metaphysical causes: Squeezing all the joy out of the heart in favor of money or position.

Metaphysical cure statement: "I bring joy back to the center of my heart. I express love to all."


Metaphysical causes: Giving up. Resistance. "Would rather die than change." Rejection of life.

Metaphysical cure statement: "Life is change, and I adapt easily to the new. I accept life, past present and future."


Metaphysical causes: Longing for what might have been. A great need to control. Deep sorrow. No sweetness left.

Metaphysical cure statement : "This moment is filled with joy. I now choose to experience the sweetness of today."

Breast Cancer

Metaphysical causes: A refusal to nourish self. Putting everyone else first. Overmothering. Overprotection. Overbearing attitudes.

Metaphysical cure statement: "I am important. I count. I now care for and nourish myself with love and with joy. I allow others the freedom to be who they are. We are all safe and free." 


Metaphysical causes: You do not feel you have a right to HAVE

Metaphysical cure statement: "I now go beyond other people's fear and limitations. I create my life."


Metaphysical causes: Feeling there is no support left in life

Metaphysical cure statement : "I stand up for myself, and life supports me in unexpected, loving ways."


Metaphysical causes: Hopeless terror. A frantic stuffing and purging of self-hatred. Denying the self life.

Metaphysical cure statement: "It is safe to be me. I am wonderful just as I am. I choose joy and self-acceptance. I choose to live. I am nourished and supported by life itself."


Metaphysical causes: Fear, need for protection. Running away from feelings. Self-rejection.

Metaphysical cure statement: "I am at peace with my own feelings. I am safe where I am. I create my own security. I love and approve of myself."


Metaphysical causes: A giving up. Better to die than stand up for one's self. Anger and punishment.

Metaphysical cure statement: "I speak up for myself freely and easily. I claim my own power. I love and approve of myself. I am free and safe."


Metaphysical causes: Denial of the self. Rejecting femininity. Rejection of the feminine principle. Holding in feelings.

Metaphysical cure statement : "I rejoice in my femaleness. I love being a woman. I love my body. I speak my truth freely."

Yeast Infections

Metaphysical causes: Denying your own needs. Not supporting yourself.

Metaphysical cure statement: "I now choose to support myself in loving joyous ways."

Overactive Thyroid

Metaphysical causes: Humiliation. "I never get to do what I want to do." "When is it going to be my turn?"

Metaphysical cure statement: "I move beyond old limitations and now allow myself to express freely and creatively."

Of course, this is a short list of common ailments that plague women. If you didn't see a condition you suffer from posted, here is a more in depth list. The universe like the human body, is comprised of many different layers. A myriad of variables and circumstances are involved in the functions and non-functions of our bodily form. A cigar is rarely just a cigar. It would be in our best interest to explore the infinite facets of the mind-body connection and how it works. Don't wait for sickness or for parts of your body to shut down before you investigate.

Of all the cures we could ever be prescribed,

Prevention is the best one.

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Source 3

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